Pages de Jean Kempf — Université Lumière - Lyon 2 — Département d'études du monde anglophone
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Information University of Pennsylvania

Si vous êtes retenu à l'issue de l'entretien de janvier à Lyon 2, pour préparer votre dossier final vous pouvez déjà vous imprégner du message suivant (et commencer à rédiger) :

All students will still be required to submit a brief essay (no more than 2 pages) addressing the following topics:

    1. Write a brief autobiographical sketch. You may wish to include highlights of your personal history, family background, work experience, travel experience, and other factors that have influenced your personal development.

    2. Describe the goals (academic, professional, personal) which you hope to accomplish through the study abroad experience. How does this particular program and location help you to meet these goals?

    3. What challenges do you anticipate and how will you meet them?

Students will also be required to submit ONE letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor, a passport copy and an official university transcript. If your students are eager to work on their applications, we suggest that they work on their essay and obtaining the letter, passport copy and transcript.

Additional information about student exchange at UPenn is available at our website:

Dès que votre acceptation sera intégrée dans le système de UPenn (courant mars) vous aurez un accès login au serveur central pour traiter de tous les aspects de votre inscription.

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