Histoire - Origines-XVIIIème siècle


Teaching Early American History -- Syllabi (http://www.lehigh.edu/~ejg1/syllabus2.html)

Archiving Early America

Cabeza de Vaca's Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America (http://eldred.ne.mediaone.net/cdv/rel.htm)

The Interactive Journal of Early American History (http://www.common-place.org) "brings together scholars, activists, journalists, filmmakers, teachers, history bufffs to discuss everything from politics to parlor manners".

American Antiquarian Society

Society of Early Americanists

The American Revolution (discussion, essays, bibliography)

Benjamin Franklin Documentary History Website (http://www.english.udel.edu/lemay/franklin/)

Colonial Currencies Webpage(http://www.virginia.edu/~econ/brock.html)

On line exhibition : "Cultural Readings: Colonization and Print in the Americas" (http://www.library.upenn.edu/special/gallery/kislak/index/cultural.html).

This collaborative web site presents and interprets a wide variety of texts--books, manuscripts, illustrations, maps, and artifacts--generated by Europe's colonization of the Americas. Comparative and broad in scope, the exhibition investigates Spanish, French, English, and Dutch "readings" of the New World and the "readings" of Europeans made by many Native cultures.
Topics covered include the literature of colonial promotion; printed images of Natives; Native responses to print; missionary activities; Indian languages; the geographies of the New World; and captivity narratives. The web site also contains essays by Louise Burkhart, Sabine MacCormack, Michael Ryan, Daniel Slive, and Karim Tiro; bibliography; and web links.
Materials shown in "Cultural Readings" are drawn from the collections of the Jay I. Kislak Foundation; the Rosenbach Museum & Library; the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Special Collections; and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

The Declaration of Independence (http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/declaration/decmain.html). Information from an on-line exhibit at the National Archives and Records Administration about the literary style of the Declaration of Independence and about the history and preservation of the Archives' copy of the document.

Drafting the Documents of Independence (http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/declara1.html). The Library of Congress features a timeline of the months surrounding the signing of the Declaration of Independence and offers images and transcripts of several historic documents, including early drafts of the Declaration and engraved illustrations from the period.

Exploring the West From Monticello (http://www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/lewis_clark/home.html). An on-line version of a 1995 exhibit at the University of Virginia that chronicled the exploration of the American West through maps from the period. The site features images of more than 30 maps as well as information about the explorers who created and used them.

A Midwife's Tale (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/midwife)



George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress (http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gwhtml). Contents and description

Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress (http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mtjhtml/mtjhome.html).

The Papers of James Madison.(http://www.virginia.edu/pjm/) Information about documents and letters written by and about James Madison. The site, created by the University of Virginia, offers examples of the documents as well as details about the effort to transcribe and annotate them.