Histoire - XXème siècle



Consumer Price Index Calculator, 1913-1997 (http://woodrow.mpls.fed.us/economy/calc/cpihome.html )

Radicalism Collection -- Left & Right-Wing Pamphlets (http://www.lib.msu.edu/spc/digital/radicalism/)

FBI Files on Public Access (http://www.crunch.com/01secret/01secret.htm or http://www.crunch.com Click on the words SECRET NO MORE). "Michael Ravnitzky has created this FBI Files Website which identifies thousands of legally significant FBI Files and File Citations, with FBI File Numbers, and additional instructions on how to obtain full text copies of the data. These files have been selected for their intrinsic historical, scholarly and research value. This database is NOT a complete list of FBI File Materials, but rather an important sampling of significant files."

Artifacts of Chicago History, from Chicago Historical Society (http://www.chicagohs.org/AOTM/jta.html)

Revealing Things -- Material Culture Exhibit at Smithsonian (http://www.si.edu/organiza/museums/ripley/eap/rt/)


Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-193. Articles and historical documents that illustrate changing U.S. attitudes toward imperialism between 1898 and 1935. (http://www.rochester.ican.net/~fjzwick/ail98-35.html)

New Deal Network website (http://newdeal.feri.org) A collection of government documents, photographs, and other materials about Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs and his Presidency. The World-Wide Web site is intended to serve as a resource for elementary- and high-school teachers, and it includes lesson plans to help apply the materials in the classroom.

Student Activism in the 1930s. The site considers student activists of the American Student Union (ASU). It includes the following material: Professor Cohen's essay "Activist Impulses: Campus Radicalism in the 1930s"; "Student Movements, 1930s," from the _Encyclopedia of the American Left_; "The Student Movement of the 1930s," by ASU President Joseph P. Lash; 21 essays from the 1935 Student League for Industrial Democracy Summer Leadership Institute; 19 essays written by student activists during the American Student Union's 1938 and 1939 Summer training institutes; 35 graphics, photographs and cartoons; Miscellaneous articles and memoirs

Voices from the Dust Bowl, from The Library of Congress (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/afctshtml/tshome.html)

American Life Histories From the 1930s (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/wpaintro/wpahome.html) A searchable, full-text archive of 2,900 life histories recorded in the late 1930s by the Federal Writers' Project. Administered by the Library of Congress as part of the American Memory project.

FDR-Churchill & Truman Correspondence on NARA Website (search at: http://www.nara.gov/nara/nail.html)

World War II Poster Collection (http://dept.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/home.html)

Japanese American Internment -- Website at U Washington (http://www.lib.washington.edu/exhibits/harmony/)

Eleanor Roosevelt (http://personalweb.smcvt.edu/smahady/ercover.htm)

Bikini Atoll Website ( http://www.bikiniatoll.com/)

The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s. (http://dept.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/home.html) A collection of documents, news articles, essays, and works of fiction from and related to the 1950s in the United States. The Web site was created by a professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania for a course on the subject, and focuses on beat poetry, McCarthyism, and the rise of communism, among other subjects.

The Sixties Project. (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/sixties/) Extensive on-line archive of documents, bibliographies, course syllabi, book and film reviews, and other information on the United States during the 1960s. Also features links to other Sixties-related resources.

The Psychedelic '60s: Literary Tradition and Social Change (http://www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/sixties)

This site is sponsored by the Special Collections Department of the University of Virginia Library, and offers a good introduction to this complex decade. The site is geared toward undergraduates who are invited to peruse this website's "galleries" and to make up their own minds about what the 1960s will mean in history. This site has a particularly nice set of graphics of book covers, posters, and other media materials, which will undoubtedly encourage people to look more closely into what these primary sources by Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, Kurt Vonnegut, Bob Dyland and others reveal about the 1960s.
Timeline of the American Civil-Rights Movement. (http://www.wmich.edu/politics/mlk/) A guide to the civil-rights movement in the United States of the 1950s and 1960s, provided by Western Michigan University's political-science department. The site includes narrative accounts, photographs, and other primary documents.

The Martin Luther King, Jr., Directory. (http://www-leland.stanford.edu/group/King/) An on-line archive of primary and secondary documents written by and about Martin Luther King, Jr., during his lifetime. The site, provided by Stanford University, contains links to articles, biographical material, a chronology of events, and the full text of some of his speeches. It also offers information on the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change, in Atlanta.

Vietnam Interactive Portfolio. (http://icarus.shu.edu/gallery/V_Portfolio/) A collection of photographs of Vietnamese people and places taken during the Vietnam War by a Seton Hall University professor who at the time was a U.S. Army photographer.

Regarding Vietnam: Stories Since the War. (http://www.pbs.org/pov/stories) A collection of stories, personal accounts, and photographs from the Vietnam War. The site, a complement to the PBS program of the same name, focuses on the ways in which the war changed the lives of those it affected.