Bases de données



Bases de données


Population Index

Atlas of United States Mortality

Facts about American States

World history chart


Thomas: Legislative information

Emory Law Web: Federal Law and Information (Includes the text of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence incorporating the latest in hypertext layout and searching techniques.)

US election data services Elections américaines Service de l'Encyclopaedia Britannica.

US Code

US Constitution


Archives of American Public Addresses On-line collection of transcripts of famous American speeches.

Pulitzer Prize Winners

Electric Library

National Budget simulation

American Medical Association

Essential Information : Founded in 1982 by Ralph Nader, Essential Information is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. We are involved in a variety of projects to encourage citizens to become active and engaged in their communities. We provide provocative information to the public on important topics neglected by the mass media and policy makers. Essential Information publishes a monthly magazine, books and reports, sponsors investigative journalism conferences, provides writers with grants to pursue investigations and operate clearinghouses which disseminate information to grassroots organizations in the United States and the Third World.

Généalogie, information biographique

Site de la Church of Latter Days Saints (Mormons)

Social Security Death Index (Search hint: don't use middle names or initials)

Who's Who Online

Biography online (by A cable TV)

 Cartes / Maps

Mapquest (US & World maps)

Historical end cultural atlas resource. (University of Oregon) An on-line historical atlas that incorporates animation and pull-down menus to enliven maps of North America, Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Created at the University of Oregon, the site offers more than 50 maps, about half of them interactive.


Digital Atlas of New York City on Web (


City.Net "top 25 US Cities / top 25 international (?) cities"