Tous les sites de textes numérisés possèdent des moteurs de recherche puissants. Il faut cependant savoir que beaucoup de textes numérisés l'étant au format "image" les temps de transfert sont souvent longs.
The On-Line Books Page. Ce site répertorie avec plusieurs critères de recherche quelques milliers de textes en ligne.
Liste des périodiques américains du XVIIIe au XXe siècle accessibles en ligne
Repository of Primary Sources (Univ of Idaho Library)
American Memory Collection (Library of Congress). Ce site est probablement un des plus riches en textes, "papers" - par ex. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson-, affiches, films et photographies. La LC numérise en effet progressivement une grande partie de ses collections. Visite impérative.
National Archives and Records Administration. Le site des archives nationales comprend non seulement des documents primaires mais aussi des propositions d'exploitation pédagogique ( Liste des documents à Seconde visite impérative.
The Making of America. MoA - a publicly-accessible online resource focusing on 19th century American publications - now contains over 3% of all American imprint monographs published in the 19th century (based on preliminary statistics provided by the Library of Congress). The majority of these materials were published between 1850 and 1876 and focus on topics ranging from the life and death of Abraham Lincoln to the latest 19th century household sciences to reflections on travel to the Western United States. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. MoA offers users the opportunity to view faithful replicas of the original source materials, perform full text searches over the entire collection, search within individual texts, and save searches and develop bibliographies using the MoA "book bag."
Textes en ligne du projet Bartleby the Columbia University De nombreux textes numérisés ainsi que des dictionnaires, etc.
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School : Documents in Law, History and Government
Humanities Text Initiative (U Mich)
Humanities Texts, Carnegie Mellon University Ce serveur offre un nombre important de textes en ligne et d'autres services liés aux humanités.
The American Studies Hyper Text Program at the University of Virginia. "This page includes hypertexts of Crevecoeur's Letters, de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, Henry Adams' Education, four Twain novels, and a good deal more."
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities, Rutgers University.
The University of Virginia text center.
Documenting the American South: The Southern Experience in 19th c. America A digitalizing project by the University of Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Special Collections Library home page at Duke University. Contains * The "Civil War Women" web pages feature scanned images of manuscript pages and full text of the writings of women during the American Civil War. * Third Person, First Person: Slave Voices from the Special Collections Library, an exhibit that examines the life experiences of American slaves from the late eighteenth century through the Civil War. * Still Going On, a multimedia exhibit of the life and times of William Grant Still, known as the dean of African-American classical composers. * The web pages of The Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, a center supporting the study of the roles of sales, advertising, and marketing in society. * Women's Studies Resources at Duke University Libraries, including information on the various resources available for research on women and gender. * Detailed collection guides for the Guido Mazzoni Pamphlet Collection, the Kenneth Willis Clark Collection of Greek Manuscripts, and the William Grant Still Collection.
The American Verse Project. The American Verse Project is a collaborative project between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press. The project is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry prior to 1920. The full text of each volume of poetry is being converted into digital form and coded in Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML) using the TEI Guidelines. The texts are searchable and can be viewed in HTML as well as SGML.
Live Text: American Studies (Columbia University)
19th Century School Books. Collection numerisée au format image, Pittsburgh.
Bibliomania.comTextes en ligne
Homepage of Real Audio "A website which archives many NPR, CNN, C-Span shows, and other news services. It is in audio format, which means you can listen to each show, as it was originally broadcast, through your computer speakers. You can download the driver at that site if you don't already have it."
Edicta ("electronic versions of early dictionaries" at the University of Toronto).
Affiches : en plus de la LC et NARA, voir Northwestern University
Documents historiques :