Sites politiques, électoraux

Voir aussi page "Sites officiels"


Political Science Resources


National Political Index

RealCom National Politics and Personalities

Democratic National Committee

Republican National Committee

Politics USA

Radicalism Collection -- Left & Right-Wing Pamphlets

Archives of American Public Addresses On-line collection of transcripts of famous American speeches.


Elections & Electoral Systems (Keele U, UK server)

Guide officiel des élections aux Etats-Unis

Federal Elections Commission

Elections on Line

History of elections

Presidential Primaries Page

Project Vote Smart

National Museum of American History's 1996 Election Site. The museum is collecting and preserving information on the 1996 Presidential election as it unfolds on the World-Wide Web. The service contains links to the Web pages of the candidates and to sites with comment ary on the election.


The American Museum of the Moving Image présente une retrospective des spots de campagne présidentielle depuis 1952

National First Ladies' Library

PROceedings -- Political Research Online