Sites histoire. Généralités. Enseignement

Voir aussi nos pages :
State Historical Societies

 Moteurs spécifiques et sites de liens
Programmes/départements d'histoire
Documents primaires en ligne
Sites enseignement et pédagogie
Rédaction d'essais, techniques historiques
Revues d'histoire et d'historiographie

Moteurs spécifiques et sites de liens

Moteur de recherche pour pages histoire américaine (US History sites)

Liens historiques (bibliothèque de Rutgers)

Horus History Links ( One of the most comprehensive sites for links for the history profession.

Liens vers sites historiques (

History Links from Yahoo (

North America/Canada History Links

The History Channel. Enter a search term and get a main article and several suggested articles. It contains the complete text of Garraty and Foner _Reader's Companion to American History_(1991) with excellent short essays written (and signed) by scholars, with short bibliographies.

Programmes/départements d'histoire

American Studies Programs listing :

History Departments Around the World, Center for History and New Media at George

Mason University (http://chnm.gmu/history/depts/)

The William and Mary American Studies Program

Indiana University American Studies Program

Documents primaires (voir aussi notre page textes en ligne)

American Memory Collection (Library of Congress)

The Ten Most Wanted Government Documents (renseignements et information sur ces documents)

The Making of America (sources historiques primaires et secondaires accessibles par moteur de recherche).

Documents historiques :

Archiving Early America

The Gutenberg Project

Eighteenth-Century Resources

Hanover - Texts and Documents

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School : Documents in Law, History and Government

History Resources from the University of Kansas

Creator Index

The Center for Electronic Records, (U.S.) National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Voir aussi l'index "NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL)"
Images of American Political History - Over 500 Public Domain Images Images of American Political History is a collection of over 500 public domain images offered through the Teaching Politics Techniques &Technologies web site.

Outline of American History - Contents

World History : HyperHistory

The New Book of Knowledge [elementary school level]

Critiques d'ouvrages d'histoire / History Book Reviews

H-Net Book Reviews ( Reviews from the following h-lists: h-ethnic, h-civwar, h-diplo, h-film, h-high-s, h-ideas, h-labor, h-latam, h-law, h-local, h-pol, h-rural, h-south, h-state, h-syzygy, h-urban, h-west, h-women, ieahcnet.

History Reviews Online (University of Cincinnati) (

Boston Book Review (

History Reviews On-Line


Online American Studies Syllabi from College of William & Mary ( (

Teaching Early American History -- Syllabi (

"History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web" ( is a new web site that serves as a gateway to the Web for teachers of the U.S. Survey course. It provides high school and college teachers (and their students) not only a good starting point for their explorations of American history on the Web but also a large number of first-person historical documents for use in the classroom and a range of teaching resources (sample syllabi and assignments, for example.) It also offers teachers a discussion space where they can talk about teaching with each other and with prominent historians.

Sites enseignement et pédagogie

AP History Web Site ( "a student-organized web site for other high school students. The purpose is to exchange material helpful in studying for the A.P. American History exam. They are just getting started. They have web links, a glossary of terms, explanation of the A.P. exam. Soon, they are adding time lines of historical themes, a couple of copies of research papers that deal with Jefferson and Hamilton as present day liberals or conservatives."

The Digital Classroom - Primary sources, teaching activities, professional development for educators (

The Constitution Community - Document-based units related to Constitutional issues (

Berkeley Digital LibrarySunSITE ( Teaching material and resources in history (California Heritage Digital Image Access Project, The Jack London Collection, The Emma Goldman Papers, ImageFinder, Internet Roadmap, etc.)

National History Education Network (

National History Standards / National Center for History in the Schools (

The National Coalition of Independent Scholars (
"The site contains information about NCIS, its publications, and its activities. In addition, there is an extensive section of external links which is intended to provide general reference information of use to any working scholar. The links emphasize scholarly meta-sites. Categories for links include libraries, reference materials, museums, text collections, and scholarly societies. There is also a section for scholarly meta-sites such as Ancient Hellenic Sources on the WWW and Online Music Scholarship Resources."

TeacherServe Website from National Humanities Center (

Wired for Books Website -- Scholarly Discussions (

Teaching with Editorial Cartoons (

The history of Elections ( (...we have graphs on both on electoral and popular votes for each US Presidential elections...)

Archives du site Valley of the Shadow (

Rédaction d'essais, techniques historiques

How to Write a History Essay

Reading, Writing, and Researching For History

Student's Guide to Research with the WWW

10 C's for Evaluating Internet Resources

Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities

How to Read A Primary Source

Why Study History Through Primary Sources (James H. Robinson)

History in the Raw

Using Primary Sources

Revues d'histoire et d'historiographie

Essays in History Online Journal, from U Virginia (

Historical journal (grad students) (

Point of Reference, archeology/anthropology webzine. "This site is a kind of virtual archeology and anthropology newsletter. The site is organized as a resource for series of links grouped under broad topical categories such as Archaeology and Computers, Historic Sites Archaeology, Maritime Archaeology, and Conferences and Meetings for 1999.

Journal of the Association for History and Computing

H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine

Journal for MultiMedia History

America: History and Life

History Journals and the Electronic Future

Sites divers

Historical Archaeology of the US -- Bibliographies (

Welcome to Matewan Website (

Long Island History Website, from Newsday (

USIS declassification page. To access the address, Web users should highlight the word Declassification on USIA's Home Page in order to bring up the Declassification Unit's pages. These pages enable users to search for declassified records via a user-friendly database. The search is guided by a keyword table of topics accessed from the individual declassified documents. The pages also offer brief descriptions of the Declassification Unit, its mission and its operations and serve to alert the public to information no longer classified and now available for release, a key goal of USIA's declassification effort. USIA's Web site includes the most up-to-date listing of USIA's declassified records because the information comes directly from the Declassification Unit's database.